Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Provincial Election in January 2019

COLOMBO (News 1st) – Minister of Labour & Trade Unions Ravindra Samaraweera engaged in an observation tour of the Koggala Free Trade Zone. Following the visit, he also responded to questions posed by the media. When questioned if the UNP is ready to face elections he replied that the Government is yet to decide when to conduct the Provincial Council elections.
He also continued that the minority parties are having issues with this existing election system and that there are issues over demarcation and that if the government decides to go ahead with the elections under the previous system, the Government will hold the elections in December.
When posed a question if there would be a change in the UNP leadership before that happens, the Minister stated that he cannot clearly provide an ans

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The Provincial Election in January 2019

COLOMBO (News 1st) – Minister of Labour & Trade Unions Ravindra Samaraweera engaged in an observation tour of the Koggala Free Trade...